Learn how to Reduce your Risk of Skin Cancer

As summer approaches, a topic that is on the lips of dermatologists everywhere is skin cancer. This type of cancer currently outnumbers all others, affecting one in five Americans and killing thousands every year – and that number reflects non-melanoma skin cancers only.

Eczema Basics

Eczema is an all too common, and irritating skin condition that can be painful and frustrating. Keep reading to learn more about how you can keep your skin healthy and relieve irritation.

Winter Skin Care Tips

Even if you live in an area where snowfall is rare, lower temperatures, dry air, and chilly wind can take a toll on your skin during the winter months. Dry, traumatized skin in the winter can lead to eczema flare-ups, flaking skin, and more. Keep reading to find out how to protect your skin from the winter weather.

Skin Cancer After-Care

If you have gone through a bout of skin cancer, you’re probably wondering what you can do to prevent it from coming back. You want to treat yourself as carefully as possible to make sure you’re doing everything to maintain the best health possible. Some of the best after-care instructions you can get are suggestions for maintaining skin healthy on a daily basis. If you implement a great daily skin care regimen along with advice from your personal doctors, you have an excellent chance of enjoying beautiful skin again.